Do One Thing: Organized On-The-Go Office

This month I’m challenging you to do one thing every day. It doesn’t seem like much if you look at it on a daily basis, but a continued focus on doing one thing will lead to amazing results.

You can be more organized no matter where you are.  Your phone and on-the-go tools can make your “office” a productive space where ever you are.


Make your smart device work for you.  I email myself reminders, links and notes all of the time.  Then, when I’m back at home or in the office, I can check these items in my email and complete them like a task list.  It saves me the trouble of trying to remember things and makes sure my ideas get documented and done.


Carry a notebook or set up a smart device notepad for lists. I keep a small notebook in my bag when I’m doing big thinking and I need to get everything written down.  And I take tons of notes in my notepad app on my Smart Phone. Both options give me a chance to brainstorm anywhere and I can add to what I’ve already written down.


Plan time to clean out your “office” each year.  An annual clean-up can work wonders to make sure your on-the-go office is really working for you.  Streamline your apps, if you haven’t used it in 3 months, delete it. Group similar apps together on your smart phone.  I set a week to do this each year and spend time while I’m waiting in line updating my phone and on-the-go office.  You don’t need large blocks of time, just use the time you have smartly.

Increase your productivity by using your available minutes to keep your business moving forward – whatever your business may be.  You can use your phone, paper or any on-the-go office items to write down, think about and organize your life.  Make a plan and get started today.


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