Simple Tips to Finesse Your Fitness Prep

I love to organize and I want to make it easier for you to feel, stay and be organized.

Let’s talk about your workout routine – No, I don’t mean your actual workout.  Let’s start with the routine of making sure you’re always ready to work out.  The easier you make it to get yourself prepared for your workout, the more likely you area to ALWAYS make it to your exercise spot.

Simple tips when you’re trying to organize anything:

  • Plan time in your schedule to set up your routine.
  • Find supplies that will work – you don’t always need to purchase new things.
  • Realize it’s going to take a little time to get used to your plan, but it will make your life easier (and healthier!)

Here is what I do so I’m always ready to exercise. I encourage you to try these simple tips:

  1. I pack a cute, functional gym bag the night before and put it right next to the items I’m taking with me the next day.
  2. The gym bag goes to my office or stays in my car – so I ALWAYS have exercise clothes with me.
  3. I organized a few drawers in my closet to store my gym clothes – one for socks, one for sports bras, one for pants/shorts, and one for workout tops.
  4. When I find a good deal on gym clothes that I really like and will use, I buy multiples.
  5. I purchased a couple of functional, weatherproof exercise jackets that I keep easy-access in our coat closet.
  6. I store my sneakers and running supplies by the front door for easy access.
  7. Sometimes I sleep in my exercise clothes (If I’m running early the next morning – it really helps me get out the door faster)
  8. I set up a Run Mix playlist so I already have the music I want ready to go when I want to run (I set it up while I waited for meetings, etc)
  9. I schedule my exercise time into my calendar like I do every other important appointment.
  10. I tell others that I am not available if I get a request that conflicts with my scheduled exercise appointments.

These simple tips have helped me exercise five times a week for about an hour for an entire year. I’ve lost weight, I’ve gained muscle and I feel much better.  Plus, by following the simple steps to get my exercise gear prepped – I’m always ready for a workout because my supplies are always ready for me to workout. I encourage you to get yourself set up today – you’ll be glad you did.

I’ve realized my tastes and time have changed over the years.  I used to try to exercise in the gym on my own, but I don’t push myself as hard, so I switched things up. Now I go to a weightlifting class four times a week – and follow the instructor’s guidance.  I’ve noticed a big difference!  I love running and used to run 5 miles daily about 5 times a week.  With a new baby, my schedule has changed and it’s not as easy to run every morning.  Now, I run on the weekends and wear a pedometer so I track my daily steps.  I still get my running time in, but the pedometer helps me keep my fitness goals going on the other days. Think about what fitness routine will work best for you – and prep your supplies to make it happen.

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