The easier, organized way to get fit this year

Each year, I have a new chance to update my workout goals and make this my best physical fitness year ever.  I’m excited about this year, because I’ve made some very realistic changes with my year of Simplicity workout goals. You can have the same success, make a realistic workout plan and schedule it into your life so you can get it done.  Be sure  to take one day at a time; it’s the small progress that will lead to big results.


Make time for your workout. Schedule your workout time, just like an appointment so you have time to make it happen.  Be realistic about what you can accomplish in a day, week or month. I have all of my running times and my exercise classes scheduled into my calendar so I always know what I should be doing.  However I had a backfire this past semester: I thought it would be a good idea to do a double workout every Monday over my lunch hour.  Trouble was I had a meeting that would run late every week and I’d be rushed, late and never really get my energy back.  So this semester, I’m scheduling my workouts in the evenings after work, to give me enough time to get everything done.


Keep workout supplies packed & ready. Every day to work I bring my cute workout bag packed with my workout clothes, socks and supplies (includes rubber bands, anti-bac hand gel, lip balm). I   keep running shoes and extra socks in my office. I’m always ready to go when I want to workout, because I know having to go home to get supplies will mean I’ll go home and not go to workout. You are more likely to workout if you have all of the supplies you need right at your fingertips.


Teach yourself to be a runner. It’s the best way to lose weight.  Even a mile a day will make a difference.  I’m not going to tell you it gets easier, but the good news is you get stronger! I love running, it’s the guaranteed hour each day that I get to spend by myself and running helped me lose 30 lbs. I have great playlists to keep me motivated, I purchase fun workout clothes every 6 months and I run outside so I can enjoy nature. Win. Win. Win.  Figure out what will get you motivated to start running and make it happen, you’ll be so glad you did.


Exercise when you are at your best. My favorite time to workout, especially run, is in the morning when I first wake up. Are you an early bird? Workout in the morning. Night Owl? Set aside time each evening to make it happen.  You’ll feel more alert and have more workout willpower if you get your workout in – especially if it’s at your best time.


Don’t push yourself too hard.  You can’t workout if you’re sick or hurt.  A headache? Get out there and exercise – you’ll feel better – don’t let your mini excuses derail your progress. Fighting pneumonia? Take time to rest, this is serious.

This can be the year that you make physical fitness a priority and achieve your goals.  Think about where you want to be and make it happen through daily action and focused efforts.

One comment

  1. […] This year, I’m trying to make things as simple as possible. I want a great workout with great results and I want it fast.  I’ve made a goal to get one productive thing done each day and do 5 minutes of planks every day.  I just finished January, and getting this 5 minute workout in every day was much easier than I thought.  You have 5 minutes, you can do this workout.  […]

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